Accepted patents
3 Accepted patentsobtained during the
last 10 years
Indexed publications
80 Indexed publicationsobtained during the
last 10 years
Internal collaborations
- 0 Co-publications Nº of co-publications
in last 10 years - 0 Co-supervised postdoc Nº of co-supervised post-docs in the last 5 years
- 2 Co-supervised thesis Nº of co-supervised
thesis in last 5 years - 2 Joint project underway Nº of currently
ongoing projects - 0 Joint projects in the past Nº of projects in last 5 years, that already finished
- Same nat or internal network Nº of collaboration networks in last 10 years
The "Applied Photonics Bilbao", started his research activities on Polymer Optical Fibres and optical sensors in 1993. Since then, an ever growing research team coordinated by him has been carrying out an extensive research on the fabrication, characterization, applications and optimization of new types of POFs and related optical devices, such as POF-based optical amplifiers, lasers and sensors. The group is
At present, the group, led by thr Professor Joseba Zubia, is made up of 13 PhD professors, 1 IkerBasque research Professor, 5 PhD students, and 1 postdoctoral Marie Curie researcher. The group constitutes an adequate mix of push and research experience from various scientific fields (Physical Sciences, Engineering and Mathematics).
Nowadays, we collaborate with prestigious groups of the international scientific photonic community (CREOL, Keio University, Max Planck,..). In addition, part of our research work is being carried out in cooperation with several techological centres and companies in order to develop prototypes for industrial applications based on optical sensors or requiring them, such as aircraft monitoring, for example. Our research projects and activities require a well equipped laboratory both in the visible and infrared spectra, which was created and it is being improved thanks to finantial support from our local institutions and from the European ones.
Main researcher
Other researchers
- Joel Villatoro (Permanent researcher)
- Maria Asunción Illarramendi (Permanent researcher)
- Gaizka Durana (Permanent researcher)
- Gotzon Aldabaldetreku (Permanent researcher)
- Iñaki Bikandi (Permanent researcher)
- Jon Arrue (Permanent researcher)
- Igor Ayesta (Permanent researcher)
- Felipe Jiménez (Permanent researcher)
- Eneko Arrospide (Permanent researcher)
- Amaia Berganza (Permanent researcher)
Contact information
ETSI de Bilbao, Plaza Ingeniero Torres Quevedo Nº, 1 48013 Bilbao Vizcaya
+34 946014138
Research center

Polymer International